Friday, 7 October 2016

Table of contents………………………………………………………..i

   SR. NO.                    CONTENTS                                                Page No.   Introduction………………………………………………………...5
1.1  Purpose…………………………………………………………….6
1.2  Problems/Limitation…………………………………………6
1.3  Description of the scheme………………………………….7
1.4  Natural slope available………………………………………7
1.5  Ground water level…………………………………………….7
1.6 Scope…………………………………………………………………8
1.7  Elements of sewerage system……………………………..9.
    Design Criteria……………………………………………………..11
2.1  Sources of waste water………………………………………11
2.2  Sewerage treatment……………………………………..…….11
2.3  Description of sewerage system………………………….12
2.4  Assumptions…………………………………………………...….13
2.4.1    Design period…………………………….………….13
2.5  Estimation of sewage quantities…………………………..13
2.5.1    Per capita water consumption……………..…13
2.5.2    Per capita water consumption for Future
Vision Housing Society …………………………..14
2.5.3    Average sewage flow…………………...…………14
2.5.4    Peak sewage flow………………….………………..14
2.5.5    Infiltration………………….…………………………..15
2.6 Storm flow capacity of a sewer………………………………15.
2.7  Design flow………………………………….………………………15
2.8  Sewer pipes and connections………………………………..16
2.9  Size of sewer…………………………………………..……………16
2.10      Minimum sewer size…………………………………………16
2.11      Slope of sewer……………….………………………………….17
2.12      Sewer design equation…………………...………………….17
2.13      Velocity of flow………………………………………………….17
2.13..1        Minimum velocity…………………………..……17
2.13..2        Maximum velocity……………………………….18
2.14      Minimum cover of sewer……………………………………18
2.15      Invert level…………………………………………………………18
2.16      Provision of manhole……..……………………………………20
2.16..1        Manholes………………………………………………21
2.16..2        Drop manholes…………………..………………….21
2.17      Direction of sewer line…………………………………………22
2.18      Inlet……………………………………………...……………………..22
2.19      Catch basin…………………………….…………………………….22
2.20      Maximum depth of sewer……………………………………..22
2.21      Joints in sewer pipe………………………………………………22
2.21..1        Bell and Spigot joints………………………………22
2.21..2        Tongue and Groove joints…………………….….23
2.22      Sewage pumping station……………………………….………23
2.23      Types of bedding………………………………………………….24
2.23..1        Sewer bedding……………………………………….24
   Design of sewerage system………………………………………..27
3.1    Design procedure…………………………………………………..27
  Conclusion…………………………………………………………………30  Reference…………………………………………………………………..31
  Annexure …………………………………………………………………..3


  ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like sewage design, treatment plants, pumping stations and transmission lines etc.  Environmental engineering is the branch of civil engineering which is the oldest engineering discipline after military engineering, and it was defined to distinguish non-military engineering from military engineering.
       Water is one of the most valuable natural resources essential for human and animal life, industry and agriculture. Wastewater causes more than 50 diseases so as an environmental engineer it is our duty to save the environment & as well as the human health which is affected by these diseases. In fact, there is hardly any human activity which is not in one way or another, affected by water. Sewerage refers to the collection, treatment and disposal of liquid waste. Sewerage system includes all physical structures required for the collection, treatment and disposal.
The sewage, once it enters the sewers, becomes the responsibility of the community. Small communities which have managed in the past with on-site disposal systems may be well-advised to avoid modernization.

1.1   Purpose
The purpose of this report is to know the various design components related to waste water (sewage) design. Wherever high a community is planned to be established, then waste water treatment becomes a big issue for engineers. So this report can help us to understand the various sewage design parameters and components which are to be used to solve various engineering problems and to perform work in a better way.

1.2 Problems/ Limitations
          In every environmental engineering project, engineers face many problems, sometimes, problems related to management. Time management is very important during a mega project for an engineer. Manual working and old construction techniques delay the project significantly and contractor has to pay for penalty on daily basis. Therefore, engineers must learn different design software related to environmental engineering to save the time and to solve the relevant problems in an effective way.

1.3 Description of the Scheme
a)    Nasheman-E-Iqbal Housing Society
                      Future Vision Housing Society provides an exquisite living    experience that is situated at the shaokat khanum Road. The society is being developed using state of the art design and incorporating all amenities of modern life.
b)    Salient Features
ü A total of 936 plots, available in different sizes, suiting all family sizes and requirements.
ü School
ü Commercial Area
ü Disposal Station
ü Grave yard

    1.4 Natural slopes Available
        From plan of Nasheman-E-Iqbal Housing Society, we can see that the topography of this area is almost same, the average elevation is taken as 252m. .The topography of the area is flat according to topography of Punjab. So slope is 1 to 2%. & Sewer must follow the natural slopes.

 1.5 Ground water levels
     In the given scheme the ground water table is low. So we will use the brick ballast bedding. Mostly we do dewatering while making trenches when the ground water table is high. Infiltration also depends upon ground water table. We go 9m to 10m down.

1.6 Scope
            As far as the scope of report is concerned it has wide range of application in today’s field. As around the world the idea of sewage and waste water treatment is quickly prevailing as well as in Pakistan so this report will help in better understanding of designing a sewage system for a community.
This report will give the introduction and background of waste water engineering which are necessary for performing the work at site efficiently. This report will also provide a simplified explanation of construction method at the site.

        Why Sewerage system is required:
                      We use water supply system in order to provide easy availability of water for drinking , washing etc. when this water is used it becomes waste water called "sewage". Proper system is required for the collection of waste water and conveying it to the point of disposal with or without treatment     called as "sewerage.
          Most of the paving types are generally impermeable, i.e. water does not drain through them, but collects on the surface and therefore all pavements must be designed to drain towards a gully, a linear drain or some other handy disposal point, such as a ditch or towards the public footpath/highway.
            Failure to properly drain a pavement can cause all sorts of problems. Water on the surface encourages mosses, algae and other vegetation to colonize the paving. Accumulation of water can cause growth of various micro- organisms, flies, mosquito, worms, and protozoa etc. which are cause of various diseases. These cause over 50 diseases to human.
So a properly designed system must be provided.

     1.7 Elements of Sewerage System
         The sewerage system consists of three elements:
·         Collection Works
·         Disposal Works
·         Treatment Works


What is design?
         In engineering sciences design is a term used in special meaning and is referred to the creation or development of some system or component by engineered manner. By McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering, designing is defined as, “A branch of engineering concerned with the creation of systems, devices, and processes useful for the society.”
2.1 Sources of Waste Water
                  Following are the principal sources of waste water

  It is the waste water from houses, offices, other buildings, hotels and institutions.

  •  Industrial

    It is the liquid waste from the industrial places from their different industrial processes like dying, paper matting, tanneries, chemical industries, etc.
  •  Storm Water

     It includes surface runoff generated from rainfall and the street wash.

2.2 Sewage Treatment
             Sewage treatment, or domestic wastewater treatment, is the process of removing contaminant from wastewater, both runoff and domestic. It includes physical, chemical and biological processes to remove physical, chemical and biological contaminants. Its objective is to produce a waste stream (or treated effluent) and a solid waste or sludge also suitable for discharge or reuse back into the environment. Sewage is treated to control water pollution before discharge to surface waters.
The purpose of is the preservation of health of the individual and the community, by preventing the communicable diseases.

2.3 Description of Sewerage System
There are three types of sewer system which are given below:-
Separate system
Combined system
Partially Combined system

Separate System:-
          If storm water is carried separately from domestic and industrial waste waters, the system is called separate system. Separate systems are preferred when
  1.  There is an immediate need for collection of sanitary sewage but not for storm water.
  2.  When sanitary sewage needs treatment and storm water does not.

Combined System:-
               It is the system in which the sewers carry both sanitary and storm water. Combined systems are preferred when:
  1.  Combined sewage can be disposed off without treatment
  2.  Both sanitary and storm water need treatment
  3.  Streets are narrow and two separate systems can’t be laid.

Partially Combined System:-
               If some portion of storm or surface runoff is allowed to be carried along with sanitary sewage, the system is known as partially combined system.
Note: In urban areas of developing countries, mostly partially combined system is employed as it is economical.
We have designed system as “Partially Combined System “which is most suitable for developing countries like Pakistan.

2.4 Assumptions
2.4.1 Design Period:
Period of design is indefinite. The system is designed to take care for the maximum development of the area. But here Design period of our sewer system is 20 years.
Relation of sewage Generation with Water Consumption
Around 80 to 130 % of water consumed gets into sewers.130 % sewage flow is obtained when
v Industries having private sources of water discharge their effluent into municipal sewer.
v When sewer joints are poor and it is laid below water table then infiltration occurs

General range is 80 to 90 % of water consumption.
v When infiltration is taken into account then; avg rate of sewage flow equals the average rate of water consumption i.e. 100%.

2.5 Estimation of Sewage Quantities
2.5.1 Per capita water consumption:
It is the amount of water consumed by every individual in a community in a day. It is usual to express water consumption in liters per capita per day, lpcd

The amount of sewage produced from this water consumed will be termed as per capital sewage flow. In our case we have calculated this per capita sewage flow by taking 80% of per capita water consumption.

2.5.2 Per Capita Water Consumption for Nasheman-e-Iqbal Housing Society

Average Per capita sewage generationS       =( 300+ sum of last two digits of Regd. No)
= 300 + (0+7) = 307lpcd

2.5.3 Average Sewage Flow
For the present design which has to be suggested us to use 80 % of water consumption for sewage.

2.5.4 Peak Sewage Flow
Like water supply, sewage flow varies from time to time. Since sewers must be able to accommodate Maximum Rate of Flow, the variation in the sewage flow must be studied.
Generally Herman’sFormula is used to estimate the ratio of Maximum to Average Flow.

P is population in thousand
Peak sewage flow is calculated by multiplying the average daily sewage flow by a certain factor. The factor depends on the average flow and is given by this table.

2.5.5 Infiltration
         It is amount of water that enters into the sewers through poor joints, cracked pipes, walls and covers of manholes.
It is nonexistent during dry weather but increases during rainy season.
WASA Lahore has specified following infiltration rates for design of sewer system;
Sewer Diameter
225 mm  to 600 mm
5 % of Avg. Sewage Flow
> 600 mm
10 % of Avg. Sewage Flow

2.6 Storm Flow Capacity of Sewer
           In the present design the storm water flow capacity of sewer is taken as equal to peak flow.
Storm Water Flow = Peak Flow (Qmax)

2.7 Design Flow
           First of all calculate the average sewage flow on the basis of water consumption and the population at the end of the design period. I.e. at the full development of the area. Then the design flow for sanitary sewer and partially combined sewers can by calculated by using the following formulae;
For partially combined sewer:  Designs = 2xPeak sewage flow + infiltration + industrial flow
         Qdesign = Qmax + 10% of infiltration + Qmax

 2.8 Sewer Pipes and Connections
Different types of pipes that are used in the sewer system are

·        PCC pipes (100mm-600mm diameter)
·        RCC pipes (225mm-4500mm diameter)
·        PVC pipes
·        AC pipes
·        C.I pipes
·        Clay

PVC and AC are employed by households.
PCC and RCC are most widely used in cities.
CI and Steel are used under unusual loading conditions and in force mains.
Clay pipes were used in the past as sewers.
We are using RCC pipes in our system.

2.9 Size of Sewer
        Use the following relation to find the diameter of sewer
Qf = A x V

2.10 Minimum Sewer Size
       225mm is taken as the minimum sewer size. The reason being that, the choking does not take place even with the bigger size particles, which are usually thrown into the sewer through manholes.

2.11 Slope of Sewer
        Select the minimum velocity value and use the Manning’s formula

 2.12 Sewer Design Equation
Manning’s Equation is used for sewers flowing under gravity

V= Velocity of flow in m/sec
R= Hydraulic mean depth (A/P) = D/4 when pipe is flowing full or half full
S= Slope of the sewer
n= Coefficient of roughness for pipes (different value for different type of materials)

    2.13.1 Minimum (Self Cleansing) Velocity
           Sewage should flow at all times with sufficient velocity to prevent the settlement of solid matter in the sewer. Self-cleansing Velocity is the minimum velocity that ensures non settlement of suspended matter in the sewer.

The following minimum velocities are generally employed.
  • Sanitary sewer = 0.6 m/sec
  •  Storm sewer = 1.0 m/sec
  •  Partially combined sewer = 0.7 m/sec

As our design is partially combined system so minimum velocity is 0.7 m/s.

2.14 Minimum Cover of Sewer
       1m is taken as the minimum cover over the sewers to avoid damage from live loads coming on the sewer.

2.15 Invert level (I.L)
         The lowest inside level at any cross-section of a sewer pipe is known as Invert Level at that Cross-section.

Invert Level = NGSL/Road Level – Depth of Sewer – Thickness of Sewer – Dia. of Sewer
The main significance of the invert level is that sewers must be designed and laid at a specific slope to attain self -cleansing velocities. The required slope is achieved through calculations of this invert level of the sewers at various manholes.

Calculation of I.L
For single pipe:
§  Upstream Invert level = NGSL – Depth of sewer – Thickness of sewer – Diameter of the sewer
§  Downstream invert level = Upstream invert level – (Length* Slope)

Fall is calculated by multiplying the length of the sewer by the slope of the same particular sewer. This fall is necessary for the calculation of the invert level at the downstream level.
Fall= Slope of sewer x Length of the sewer.

2.16 Provision of Manhole
2.16.1 Manholes:-
A manhole (alternatively utility hole, maintenance hole, inspection chamber or access chamber) is the top opening to an underground utility vault used to house an access point for making connections or performing maintenance.

Purpose of providing manhole is
  •  Cleaning
  •  Inspection
  •  House connection

Manholes are provided at:
  •  Change in sewer direction
  •  Where diameter of sewer changes
  •  Where slope of sewer changes
  •  It is also provided at junctions.
  •  One man hole for two plots

                 Spacing of Manhole: (WASA Criteria)
o   For   pipe 225mm to 380mm           spacing = 100m
o   For   pipe 460mm to 760mm           spacing = 120m

2.17 Direction of Sewer Line
        Sewers should follow as for as possible, the natural slope so that sewage can flow easily under gravity and minimum excavation is required which is essential for economizing the system.

2.18 Inlets
             An inlet is an opening into a storm or combined sewer for entrance of storm runoff. It is designed to permit the passage of water from the street surface into the sewer.
Two types of inlets are recommended for the system
            a)  Curb Inlet                                             
            b) Gutter Inlet

2.19 Catch Basin
                 These are like inlets but deeper enough to store the settled grit which is then removed periodically.

           2.20 Maximum Depth of Sewer
The maximum depth for sewer suggested for this area is 6-7 m

         2.21 Joints in Sewer Pipe
          2.21.1Bell and Spigot Joints
          Employed for sewer from 225mm to 760mmФ

 2.21.2 Tongue and Groove Joints
          Employed for sizes > 760mmФ

We selected ball and Spigot Joints for our design.

      2.22 Sewage Pumping Station
      To elevate and transport waste water when
  1.  Continuation of gravity flow is no longer feasible.
  2.  Basements are deep.
  3.  Any obstacle lies in the path of sewer.
  4.  Receiving stream is higher than the sewer.
  5.  Sewage is to be delivered to an above ground treatment plant.
  2.23 Type of Bedding
          2.23.1 Sewer Bedding
                  If sewer is simply laid by placing the pipe on flat trench bottom, the pipe will not be able to support the load significantly greater than the “Three Edge Bearing test”. However if bedding touches at least lower quadrant of sewer and backfill material is carefully tempted, the supporting strength of pipe significantly increases. Load factor represent this increase in strength,
                Load Factor = Load Carrying Capacity/ 3-Edge bearing strength
         Sewer Bedding (Recommended By WASA):-
         Three types of sewer bedding are recommended by WASA.
 (These will be used depending upon site conditions and requirements.)

  1) Brick Ballast:-
               This type of bedding is used under poor subsoil conditions, above   water table.
§  Size of the ballast     :  1-1.5 inch gauge    (Broken from first class bricks)
§  Load Factor               :    1.7

    2) Crushed Stone:-
               It is used under poor subsoil conditions below the water table
§  Size of the ballast    :   0.75-1.5 inch gauge
§  Load Factor              :   1.9

    3) Concrete cradle:-
                 It is used under increased strength requirements.
            Load Factor             :   3.0

Chapter 3



3.1 Design Procedure
             Following procedure is adopted for design:

1)   First of all we draw the layout of sewer system keeping in view the layout of roads and streets so as to avoid overlapping of water supply, gas and sewer pipes.
2)   Represented the sewer with a line and manhole by a dot.
3)   Numbered the manholes and identified each sewer line.
4)   Then measured the length of each sewer line as per scale of the map.
5)   Adopted per capita sewage flow as 80% of water consumption.
6)   Calculated avg. sewage flow and Infiltration for each sewer line.(using WASA criteria)

7)   Found out the peak factor for our project using WASA criteria. For peak factor first found out the avg. sewage flow for design population and on the basis of flow we decided the approximate peak factor from table of peak.

8)   Calculated the peak flow and finally the design flow for sewer lines. As our system is partially combine so I have added storm flow equal to the peak flow for design flow determination (as per WASA criteria.)
9)   Using method of calculation, found approximate dia and slope for the sewer line assuming that sewer is flowing full. For back calculation I have chosen velocity equal to 0.7 m/sec for partially combined system.(WASA Criteria)
10)       In the end I found out the invert levels for each sewer and filled the
Table of calculations called “Hydraulic Statement”.
11)       Draw the profiles or longitudinal-sections for sewer line

         Following are the different criteria’s that I consider while designing the sewer system
  1.  We designed for the partially combined sewage system considering economics.
  2.  The design flows are based on the WASA standards.
  3.  Minimum velocity is taken as 0.7 m/sec
  4.  Velocity must not be more than 2.4 m/sec.
  5.  Minimum diameter is taken as 225 mm and other diameters are considered according to WASA standard.
  6.  Minimum rate of sewage flow is taken as 50% of average sewage flow.
  7.  Minimum clear cover of 1-m is provided above the sewer in order to avoid from impact of live loading. 


The job assigned to me by Authority, was to design the water sewerage system for Nasheman-E-Iqbal Housing Society. The scheme has 936 residential plots, school, commercial areas and disposal station.
I have tried to make design as much economical as possible without compromising on safety of the system. Design is economical because I have used RCC pipes as sewers. They possess high strength and durability. Therefore they have longer life which ultimately makes them suitable and economical. The strength of the system is built-in. Lower installation cost combines with the other benefits of reinforced concrete pipe to yield a superior drainage system. I have followed as much as possible the natural slope. Due to those reason excavation is minimum. It also helps to economize the system. Wherever lateral or sub main joins in a deeper sewer excavation is also saved by providing drop manholes by keeping upper sewer at a reasonable grade. I have done this whole design work with the best use of my knowledge and skills in the context of the information provided to me by my teachers. In the whole design I have made possible that every step should be clear so that the checker or the reader of the report could not found any difficulty in it.
I am sure to say that system has been designed with great care and all possible circumstances have considered. Therefore I am very confident saying that system will be working very well throughout its design period of 20 years which is from 2016 to 2036. I am sure to say that system has been designed with great care and all possible circumstances have considered. Therefore I am very confident saying that system will be working very well throughout its design period of 20 years which is from 2016 to 2036.
·        We used max diameter 530mm for M1 to M158
·        We used min diameter 225mm.
·        Total No’s of manholes = 158


  1.  Water supply and sewerage by McGhee, 6th edition, McGraw Hill Inc.
  2.  Class Lectures Notes.
  3.  Design notes provided.
  4.  WASA (1986) design criteria ,Water and Sanitation agency Lahore.
  5.  Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


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